In addition to our full home inspection, Howdy Home Inspections is pleased to offer these additional home inspections:
Pre-Listing Inspections
Almost all real estate sales contracts are contingent on inspection. A poor inspection can lead to a lower sale price or a buyer who walks away. Don’t be surprised by negative items on your inspection report. Have a pre-listing inspection from Howdy Home Inspections to ensure that your home is ready to sell. This lets you make changes before you find an interested buyer, so your home will pass the buyer’s inspection with flying colors.
Radon Gas
Radon is a carcinogenic gas that can seep into your home from the ground and ground water. It is odorless, tasteless and invisible, so a radon inspection is the only way to know if this dangerous gas is present in your home. Let us perform a radon inspection, so you can protect your family’s health.
Wood Destroying Organisms
Wood destroying organisms, like termites, cannot always be seen from a typical home inspection. These creatures can destroy the structural integrity of your home long before you know they are present. We work wit ha licensed pest-control subcontractor to inspect the home for signs of termites and other wood destroying organisms.
Mold is a living organism that can grow on many surfaces in your home, putting your family’s health at risk while also destroying the integrity of your home. Our mold inspection services will seek out mold in the places where it likes to hide, so you will know exactly where problems are.
Infrared Thermal Imaging
Infrared thermal imaging inspections will show areas of moisture or cold air leakage in the home, giving you an inside look at what is going on behind walls and under floors, where hidden moisture problems often reside.
Septic Inspections
Does your new home have a septic system? Before you buy, you want to be certain that the system is functioning as it should. We will help with septic inspections, well inspections, water quality testing, air quality testing and more to ensure your septic system and well are fully functional.
Whether you are buying or selling or simply want to ensure that your home is in the best possible shape, trust Howdy Home Inspections for all of your home inspection needs. Contact me today to schedule your home inspection